Iain Green, organiser of Wildlife Wonder


Iain Green inspires children to discover the natural world and explore their own creativity.  He organises 'Wildlife Wonder Days' for schols - a photo safari through the school grounds to discover the wild side of school for art or science, exploring the local community, or journeying beyond into the tiger jungles of India to inspire creative writing!  Drawing on his experiences as a professional wildlife photographer and author, and his extensive experience of working with schools, Wildlife Wonder Days are tailored to suit the curriculum, inspirational need, age range and season for each school. Perfect to launch a themed week or topic, as a stimulus for writing, Wildlife Wonder Days can be used to develop observational skills, discover communication, perform the lion king or simply to support learning outside the classroom.

The natural world offers so much potential for inspirational learning and personal growth. Whatever the focus, Iain works to develop an educational and memorable wildlife wonder day.

Iain led the 'Spring is to River' workshops, funded by Dorset AONB's Sustainable Development Fund, at Stoborough Primary School, Marshwood Vale Primary School, Thorncombe Primary School and at Holy Trinity Primary School in Weymouth for Lost Words Dorset in 2018-19.  His article on this project can be found here.

The Lost Words Map Dorset - Iain Green, organiser of Wildlife Wonder